

We have different lodging alternatives in the city of Bariloche.
Check availability and rates for your stay.

Our Hotels

A wide variety of options are available.

Hotel Bariloche

Located 2 blocks from Lake Nahuel Huapi and the Civic Center.

Hotel Plaza Bariloche

unbeatable location in the heart of downtown Bariloche and in front of Nahuel Huapi Lake and the Cathedral.

Concept Hotel

Centrally located, this accommodation is designed for travelers and digital nomads with excellent wifi connection.

Hotel Tierra Gaucha

Located a few meters from Lake Nahuel Huapi, in the commercial and gastronomic center of the city.

Hotel M382

In the heart of Bariloche, to enjoy the gastronomy and points of interest of the city.

Hotel M383

Strategic location in Bariloche, to enjoy the main attractions of the city.

Tierra Gaucha Hostel

A boutique hostel with the comfort of a hotel, meters from the city center.

Other Accommodations

In Bariloche we also have:
- Apartment rentals
- Cabins
